Donor retention

Keep Your Donors Workshop

Research-driven strategies to raise more money from your existing donors.

Your nonprofit goes all out to get donations. But are you negating the time and money you expend to get a gift when it comes to keeping those donors?  Statistics say you are. The donor retention rate in the US is around 40%. That means lost donors at all levels—including major ones!

It’s a workshop. You will learn strategies and techniques to:

  • Translate donor retention research into practical action steps for your nonprofit to raise more money
  • Transform something as mundane as donation thank you letter into a powerful donor stewardship communication. (Handwritten notes on IRS acknowledgment letters are a nice touch–but far from the best strategy.) 
  • Use the research on why people give to communicate powerfully with your donors.
  • Increase the likelihood your donors will keep on giving—and at higher levels.

Keep Your Donors Workbook

  • 30+ pages
  • 3 exercises
  • Comprehensive bibliography

Contact Diane Remin directly about teaching your nonprofit’s team to keep your donors—and inspire them to make more and bigger gifts!

Presenter: Designated among the top 25 fundraising consultants in 2016 by Philanthropy Media, Diane Remin, MBA, is the Founder and President of After reading the donor retention research, she developed this workshop to share the news about dramatically increasing the odds all of your donors will make more and bigger gifts.  A 5-star presenter, Diane has delivered this workshop from Massachusetts to Florida. Diane’s mantra is: “Giving is good for your health.” Catch her on twitter @DianeRemin.


Check-out this testimonial:

Diane is a fantastic presenter. The content [Keep Your Donors Workshop] is not to be missed. You’ll think about donor communication in a whole new way. The techniques are very specific and based on research—which Diane knows cold. It’s an interactive session. Do bring one of your organization’s thank you letters—and see what happens.

Peter Moyer, M.D., Board Chair, All Dorchester Sports League